As our audience of beauty...

Go To Post As our audience of beauty readers grows, we would like to share this Reintroduction series especially for those who are new to The Beauty Edit. Thank you for being here!
Beauty, as seen throughout history, is a fundamental pleasure. Next to the basic needs of clothing, shelter, and food, cosmetics or skin decoration that enhance the facial features—to improve self-confidence, denote a particular rank in society, attract the opposite sex, or just simply feel great—have been timeless concerns and cultural constants throughout the ages. Gone are the days when people thought anyone who wore red lipstick meant she’s close to a hooker or when smoking in public was identical to being sophisticated, glamorous, and “very Hollywood.” There’s a reason our grandmothers still go out in huge coiffed ‘dos that take hours to style just for a 20-minute trip to the supermarket or even at home, while many of us don’t even bat an eyelash if we see people heading out without makeup or blow-dried hair today, and it’s more than generation gap.
As with fashion, beauty is indispensably caught up with society’s way of life—changing, adapting to, and highlighting cultural practices—making it quite a good indicator of time. I think more than products, this is why beauty has such transcendent charm. The Beauty Edit hopes to be part of this, capturing snippets of this fascinating industry that chronicle modern history.
Check out the rest on the feed grid in this “Reintroduction” series for more; the layouts of which we’ve worked hard on with a collage cover by JP Meneses @thegrumpycosmonaut.