Diptyque Celebrates Its 60th Year Through Collectible 'Chapters'

Diptyque has always been good at telling stories. It has conveyed the very heart of its brand and legacy like no other fragrance house, and this has allowed its greatest fans to discover and remember its fragrances beyond the scent.
There’s the story of 34 boulevard Saint Germain, inspired by the address of its first boutique, which has artfully created the experience of walking into this store into a lasting, unique perfume. (I’ve kept my 34 for about 7 years now and it’s scent has beautifully remained intact, I’m in disbelief.) Do Son, a recreation of one its founders’ summer memories of his childhood spent in Indochina. There’s Eau des Sens, a one-of-a-kind citrus, aromatic, woody scent that's so unique it's just difficult to put your finger on it. And then there are the candles, the names of which may be complicated to pronounce but the scents are definitely easy to love.
Diptyque, without a doubt, has created some of the world’s most recognizable, if not remarkable, scents. The luxury French fragrance brand turns 60 years old this year, and you can expect no less than the brand telling its greatest story yet. For this milestone, it features a unique anniversary collection in 5 chapters, each highlighting the forms of expression valued by the House of Diptyque.
This is Chapter 1, a collection of limited edition candles that represents “graphic design,” a celebration of its visual heritage, which we’ve clearly seen through its creative motifs and packaging over the years. I just realized how I’ve always gravitated to Diptyque when buying gifts for special people and I’ve practically gotten something from every product line of the brand over the years. ‘Can’t wait to discover the upcoming chapters of this anniversary collection.
Diptyque is available at Rustan's and Adora.