My kind of roses! In...

Go To Post My kind of roses! In celebration of Valentine’s Day, I opened two new “bottles of roses:” Penhaligon’s Elisabethan Rose, a replenishment of my absolute and my unfailing modern rose; and Dior’s Rose N’Roses, a new release from the Miss Dior line that’s actually more than rose—it’s a floral garden. It’s a profusion of petals galore before it becomes sparkling with mandarin and bergamot and finally dries down with quite a soapy, musky note. It’s a feminine and elegant rose that works for the day without being too overpowering. It also comes in a pretty travel-sized option with a roller pearl applicator.
I gravitate toward roses that strangely do not smell like roses at first whiff, whether fruitier or sweeter iterations like these Valentino’s Valentina Pink and Issey Miyake Rose & Rose or warmer, spicier ones like Tom Ford’s Rose Prick. My love for such a polarizing scent, however, wasn’t instant.
For the longest time I’ve had an aversion to rose perfumes, thinking they could only smell old-fashioned and outdated, till some 5 years ago when I discovered Le Labo’s Rose 31, It’s a woody rose that completely changed my mind and marked the beginning of what has now become an endless search for modern rose perfumes. The past couple of years have seen a resurgence of rose fragrances, with many noses giving the old favorite an entirely new life.
Next in my list? Rose Of No Man's Land by Byredo. I’m buying this blindly, so let me know if you have it and what you think! Drop your favorite roses too and tell us about them!