The great thing about Benefit...

Go To Post The great thing about Benefit coming up with this type of brow pen later into the game (and not jumping on the bandwagon some 2 years ago) is that it had time to perfect the product and address issues earlier versions of this kind had, from uneven strokes to tint overflow. Slowly but surely, as they say. The result is this Brow Microfilling Pen. Its 3-prong tip is angular with 3 different lengths, the first difference you’ll notice, which allows you to easily create microbladed-like strands. The prongs are also 3 separate ends entirely, which help in making sure the right amount of tint comes out with every stroke. For drawing single lines, you can use the longest tip to fill in sparse areas or outline your brows.
It’s made the look of brushed up brows possible for me, I cannot believe it. I use it along with my Gimme Brow mascara. A tip, apply the Gimme Brow first to brush up and set your brows before filling in with this pen for the perfect full brows of your dreams. ✨ I’ll post a video quickie soon.
This is one of the most well thought out press packages I’ve received themed No Regrets. The waterproof, no smudge pen came with a temporary tattoo sheet, clip on earrings... and clip on bangs! How cute is that 💕 @benefitph