Throughout the 20th century, television...

Go To Post Throughout the 20th century, television and print media were the beauty industry’s visual filters, channeling desires and narrowing preferences. With the emergence of social media, it’s become the other way around, where readers and audiences are now forces that influence trends, products, and content. This, all the more, highlights who truly holds the most importance: people. This how we try to produce content at The Beauty Edit—with our audience in mind.
We’ve collated some of the questions readers sent over Instagram stories and answered them here to help you get to know The Beauty Edit better. ✨ We also enjoy and value getting to know you! Thank you 💕 Check out the rest on the feed grid in this “Reintroduction” series for more; the layouts of which we’ve worked hard on with a collage cover by JP Meneses @thegrumpycosmonaut.