This lip gloss palette is...

Go To Post This lip gloss palette is 6 years old! An unused product from 2014, this limited edition Shu Uemura x Karl Lagerfeld Shupette Rouge Bonbon Fantasy Trio was too pretty for me to break the seal. I remember putting off every chance I could’ve used it till I forgot I had it. Of course now that I’ve unearthed it from a drawer of wonders it’ll remain intact because, well, it’s expired. 😅
This reminds me of the good old days of having Shu Uemura easily accessible in the Philippines. Do you remember the bright flourescent vision that was its Rockwell branch? I remember my husband (then boyfriend) and I would leave each other alone at some point in our usual Rockwell dates so I could spend (a loooong) time at Shu. LOL.
It’s such a good brand with so many hero products TBH, it’s a shame it had to close its doors here. Hard 9, Ultime8, PK355, Lightbulb... I can go on and on with all the products I still love. Tell me about yours!!!✨✨✨